Report 1 Thursday 7:00 AM RATING 3 of 10
Today’s Tides
5:34 AM high 4.7 ft. 11:43 AM low 0.9 ft. 6:00 PM high 5.5 ft. Good Morning America! Report 1 shows no one is out for this morning’s small waves. It looks to be in the knee high +/- range with light WSW winds. It’s looking like a day for the longboards for sure. Check back for updates!
I was on the beach, Eddie. I was riding my bike in the sand to get exercise in place of surfing. Not as much fun. Nice sunrise shots, by the way. Good times round da bend? Better surf on the way, I hope. Maybe starting tomorrow? Thanks for showing the surf to us every day, Eddie. The good, the bad and the ugly.
Thanks Doc T!