Report #3 – Thursday – 1:00 PM – RATING 6 of 10
Today’s Tides
7:53 AM high 6.0 ft. 2:24 PM low -0.3 ft. 8:13 PM high 4.6 ft. Good Afternoon Friends! At report time, we are approaching the low tide mark and we have waves in the chest high + range with light to moderate winds out of the North. The surf looks a little bit smaller than yesterday but it’s still looking pretty decent for a mini Nor’easter style session. Breakout your new Christmas gear and give it a look!
Sunrise 7:21 AM – Sunset 5:33 PM
Report #2 – Thursday – 11:00 AM – RATING 5 of 10
Today’s Tides
7:53 AM high 6.0 ft. 2:24 PM low -0.3 ft. 8:13 PM high 4.6 ft. Good Late Morning America! With the tide starting to drop out, it looks like we have waves in the chest high +/- range with moderate winds out of the North. The surf looks a little bit smaller than yesterday but it’s still looking pretty decent for a Nor’easter style session. Breakout your new Christmas gear and give it a look!
Sunrise 7:21 AM – Sunset 5:33 PM
Party with World Longboard Champ Justin Quintal at Surfer the Bar!