Session of The Year?
When COVID-19 and Awesome Surf collide, (while our beaches are closed), something’s got to give. Surfers flocked to open beaches making it even more crowded than it usually is. And while surfers themselves were not the problem as far as “on the beach” crowds, (which were ignoring Social Distancing Guidelines) eventually all NEFL county beaches were ordered to close. It’s pretty strange to have to stay off the beach or especially, to have to stay indoors when you have spent your whole life Surfing. Being Self Quarantined or Self Isolated means staying away from your friends, family, and loved ones. Being out of work only makes this situation even more unbearable. We have time but can’t spend it doing what we want to do, (surf). This COVID-19 business is shutting down the world and it sucks! Regardless, we have to keep a positive attitude and wait it out. We hope everyone is doing well and we can’t wait to resume our usual lifestyles like getting back to work, seeing loved ones, and friends. Hopefully, the Virus will pass soon and we’ll be back on our beaches doing our thing. Stay safe friends, Surfing is the cure!
- One of the better waves of the year caught by Impact Enclosures Ryan Hammer!