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Our Jacksonville Beach Pier Cam is hosted by the Best Western Oceanfront and powered by Surfline
(For reservations call the Best Western Oceanfront at 904.249.4949)

Thursday Morning Video Below
Report #2 – Thursday – 7:20 AM RATING 3 of 10
Today’s Tides
5:52 AM high 4.3 ft. 12:02 PM low 0.1 ft. 6:21 PM high 5.0 ft. Happy Thursday Folks! Report 2 reveals more of the same, we have semi-choppy small surf in the knee to thigh high range with light to moderate SSW winds. It’s a day for groms or longboards if you are taking a look. Check back for updates!
- Special Thanks to Solo Solon for catching some waves for the report!
- Above
- Below
Report #1 – Thursday – 6:20 AM RATING 3 of 10
Today’s Tides
5:52 AM high 4.3 ft. 12:02 PM low 0.1 ft. 6:21 PM high 5.0 ft. Happy Thursday Folks! We have semi-choppy small surf in the knee to thigh high range with light to moderate SSW winds. It’s a day for longboards if you are taking a look. Check back for updates!
- Sunrise 6:25 AM
- Knee to thigh high?
- Semi-choppy with SSW winds.
- Southbound
Surf Medicine 101
How many times have you said you would like to do this? Here’s your chance! Click the image link below to sign up for Surf Medicine 101. You could learn to save someone’s life!
Offering that CPR course without providing certification is a liability. Advertising it is not a smart thing to do.
I am happy to respond to your thoughts as the course director. We appreciate 911 Surf Reports support of our course and disagree with your thoughts. We train individuals at an introductory level to have some awareness of what to do if they encounter a drowning person. The aim is to (1) empower bystanders to act and (2) do what we can to combat very bad information out there about treatment. In the course we are clear that this is an introduction and no certifications are obtained. What would be dangerous would be for us to provide certifications without the full curriculum. Based on Good Samaritan laws members of the public are expected to practice to their knowledge base and not cause further harm. Having an even basic knowledge of CPR and rendering it on a drowning person does not cause further harm and carries a better chance of helping than doing nothing at all. The other skills provided (tourniquet and epi-pen) can be easily taught and do not usually involve any certification. I appreciate your concerns and welcome you to contact me through the course site (www.surfmedjax.com) with further questions. And to be clear, 911 Surf Report is not affiliated with our course and does not carry any burden of liability associated with it.