Report #2 – Friday – 12:30 PM – RATING 3 of 10
Today’s Tides
Low 12:01am 0.4ft High 6:25am 5.1ft Low 12:43pm 0.4ft High 6:34pm 4.7ft Special Note: Hanna & Huguenot Parks are closed until further notice.
Happy First Day of Spring! Our surf is semi-choppy and in the knee high +/- range with light Southerly winds. If you are going for a paddle remember to use Social Distancing and good Hygiene habits. Otherwise, be safe and have a Fabulous Friday!
- Special Thanks to Gus & John for catching a couple Mini waves for the report!
- Take your trash with you & NO Glass on the Beach!
- North Florida-ESA Surf Stars of the Future!
- Catch of the Day!
Special Note: Hanna & Huguenot Parks are closed until further notice.
- Hanna & Huguenot Parks Are Still Closed as of 03.17.2020
- All Duval County Beaches are closed.
We’ll continue to do Surf Reports until we are advised not to go outdoors. Our first and only priority remains everyones well-being, therefore we ask you to follow advisories.
COVID-19 is serious and everyone should follow Advisories and CDC guidelines. If you still want to use the open beaches in our community, consider Social Distancing as those beaches have been crowded with the closing of Hanna and Huguenot Parks. We’ll continue to do Surf Reports until we are advised not to go outside. Otherwise, we’ll be monitoring the situation concerning a reopening of the COJ Parks and keep you posted on this site. Our first and only priority remains your well-being, therefore we ask you to follow advisories, consider Social Distancing and make Hygiene a Priority. CLICK HERE FOR CURRENT COVID-19 INFORMATION PROVIDED BY CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, COJ.NET
Thank you thank four the report. A bright spot in my day.
Thank you Wayne. We are looking at some dark days ahead with the COVID-19 Virus and the closing of the beaches.
Gus and John!!! Not Dale
Sorry John, Haven’t seen either one of you guys in 10 years! hahaha
Hey Im just glad to be able to Surf!!!