[wpf_noaa_weather_static slogan_text=""]
[Heateor-SC style="background-color:#ffffff;"]
Monday 11:00 AM RATING 4 of 10
Today’s Tides
1:30 AM high 5.7 ft. 8:02 AM low -0.5 ft. 2:06 PM high 4.9 ft. 8:20 PM low -0.2 ft. Hello Late Monday Morning! Like our Sunrise report earlier today, our swell continues with moderate winds out of the southeast. Waves are in the waist high range with some drift and chop. The incoming tide seems to be helping our surf conditions, you may want to give it a peek!
- @devoedesign – @arooneycreation – On it!
- Go Naples!
- Schwack!
- Looking good Scott!
- Yeah Claire!
- Diana is going for it!
- Go Anthony!
- Man-O’-War Sighting Yikes!