Report 2 Monday 12:25 PM RATING 3 of 10
Today’s Tides
High 8:09am 5.8ft Low 2:21pm -1.1ft High 8:29pm 5.8ft –
Good Afternoon Monday! Like our earlier report this morning, we have choppy, drifty, chest high range surf continues with strong onshore winds. It’s pretty messy out there but it looks rideable if you’re into it. Have a great Monday!
- Sequence of the Hour!
Current Video Below – 10.08.2018 – Subscribe to our Youtube Channel!
In the Tropics
Check it out Folks, we are still in the heart of Hurricane Season. There’s a newby forming down by the Yucatan Peninsula. Keep an Eye on the Tropics!
Thank you for the same day video report! More same day videos please!