Report 2 Monday 10:00 AM RATING 4 of 10
Today’s Tides
8:15 AM high 5.5 ft. 2:31 PM low 0.5 ft. 8:33 PM high 5.6 ft. Good Late Morning on Monday! We continue to have choppy waves in the waist high +/- range with moderate onshore easterly winds. Just like earlier this morning, it’s rideable but looking sloppy out there folks!
- Moderate Easterly winds.
- Nice to see Jimmy out there this morning!
- Work it Agent 007!
- Attorney Perry Penland is on it!
- The Bird!
In the Tropics
Check it out Folks, we are in the heart of Hurricane Season and several storms are brewing. Let’s hope for awesome surf without the devastation. Keep an Eye on the Tropics!
The World According to
Check it out Folks, the Atlantic is brewing and stewing!
Good to see you too Eddie! Great pics as always, just wish I surfed better. Lol.
You are surfing great Jimmy!