All Duval & Nassau County Beaches Are Closed Until Further Notice
*We are a surfing news site. We do not endorse any illegal behaviors or activities.
The COVID-19 Pandemic is Real
Dear Friends,
We are living in very strange times. Mayor Curry of Jacksonville Florida suggest that we stay in our homes unless it’s absolutely necessary. Our Schools, Business’s, and Beaches have never been closed to the public. COVID-19 is real and we are all ordered by law to follow advisories. Let’s hope this Virus passes quickly and we can resume our normal lifestyles. With regard to surfing, it’s simple: If you can’t get to the beach alone and surf alone — no standing next to your buddies in the parking lot, no chilling on the beach with a group of people — please don’t. Stay six feet apart. Always. There are many asymptomatic folks out there who can spread this thing. Follow CDC guidelines and watch COJ video’s below.
Dear Friends,
We are living in very strange times. Mayor Curry of Jacksonville Florida suggest that we stay in our homes unless it’s absolutely necessary. Our Schools, Business’s, and Beaches have never been closed to the public. COVID-19 is real and we are all ordered by law to follow advisories. Let’s hope this Virus passes quickly and we can resume our normal lifestyles. With regard to surfing, it’s simple: If you can’t get to the beach alone and surf alone — no standing next to your buddies in the parking lot, no chilling on the beach with a group of people — please don’t. Stay six feet apart. Always. There are many asymptomatic folks out there who can spread this thing. Follow CDC guidelines and watch COJ video’s below.
All Duval & Nassau County Beaches Are Closed Until Further Notice
COVID-19 Pandemic is Real
Today’s Tides
Low 4:52am 0.2ft High 10:59am 4.9ft Low 4:59pm 0.2ft High 11:12pm 5.3ft Good Friday Afternoon Folks. Since our beaches are closed, we are posting surf photos as they come in. We hope everyone is safe! Enjoy your Friday as much as you can in this era of Isolation & Quarentine. (See CDC Guidelines – links and videos below).
- One of the better waves of the year caught by Impact Enclosures Ryan Hammer!
Get Creative – Stay Busy
COVID-19 has changed our daily routines, therefore we have get creative. Here’s a list: Jam in your band, paint a room, clean out the closet, dust the fan blades, work in the yard, or anything else you’ve been meaning to do but haven’t. Take precautions and be safe out there!
COVID-19 Quarentine Jam Below
COVID-19 has changed our daily routines, therefore we have get creative. Here’s a list: Jam in your band, paint a room, clean out the closet, dust the fan blades, work in the yard, or anything else you’ve been meaning to do but haven’t. Take precautions and be safe out there!
COVID-19 is Serious
Duval County Beaches are closed until further notice!
- All Duval County Beaches are closed.
Our first and only priority remains everyones well-being, therefore we ask you to follow advisories. We’ll continue to do Surf Reports remotely and we’ll attempt to bring live updates until we are advised not to go outdoors.
COVID-19 is serious and everyone should follow Advisories and CDC guidelines. We’ll be monitoring the situation concerning a reopening of the Beaches and keep you posted on this site. Our first and only priority remains your well-being, therefore we ask you to follow advisories, make Social Distancing and Hygiene a Priority. CLICK HERE FOR CURRENT COVID-19 INFORMATION PROVIDED BY CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, COJ.NETCITY OF JACKSONVILLE VIDEOS BELOW
How are people surfing if beaches are closed? are they getting in off the base?
All of Florida’s beaches are not closed.
I know it’s a sin to ask, but good lord where is this? Surely not NE Florida? Amazing, looks like hurricane season waves.