Report 2 Saturday 12:00 PM – RATING 3 of 10
Today’s Tides
9:39 AM high 5.3 ft. 3:46 PM low -1.1 ft. 10:08 PM high 6.5 ft. CHECK OUR SMUGMUG LINK BELOW FOR MORE RECENT PHOTOS
Good Afternoon Saturday! We have surf in the thigh to waist high range with light SE winds. With the dropping tide, it seems like our little Tropical Swell is fading out. We’ll have to wait and see what tomorrow brings! Have a good Saturday afternoon and don’t forget to peep the Photo Gallery link below to see more recent images.
- Surfing 101 with Coach Eddie & Cory Ann!
- You can do this!
- Looking good Corey Ann!
- Coach Eddie Cutty Demo!
- ROZO knows!
- Nice to see Jimmy & Piper!
- Nice one Kathy!
- Devan’s Mom can surf!
- Go Dinah!
- Team Endless Training – Surf Star of the Future!