Report 2 – Sunday 11:30 AM – RATING 4 of 10
Today’s Tides
Low 10:28am 0.4ft High 4:41pm 6ft Low 11:13pm 0.9ft –
Good Late Morning Sunday! We have waves in the thigh to waist high +/- range with light “Variable” Northerly winds, (winds are forecast to become NE later this afternoon). With the tide pushing in now, occasional larger swells are rolling in, (we may be seeing some weak frontrunners from TS Chris). Hopefully, we’ll see much better waves later this week, (keep an eye on the forecast). Have a great Sunday!
- 9:30 AM
- 10:30 AM
- 11:00 AM
- Savannah is on it for RockNHomes Realty!
- 11:30 AM