Sunday Quick Vids 10:00 AM / RATING 3 of 10
Today’s Tides
4:52 AM high 4.4 ft. 11:03 AM low -0.1 ft. 5:29 PM high 5.1 ft. 11:47 PM low 0.1 ft. Good Late Morning Sunday! Like our sunrise report earlier, very small surf continues. It’s about shin to knee high with light WSW winds. The waves are pretty small! Bring your Tanker if you are going for a paddle. Have a great Sunday!
Sunday 10:00 AM / RATING 3 of 10
Today’s Tides
4:52 AM high 4.4 ft. 11:03 AM low -0.1 ft. 5:29 PM high 5.1 ft. 11:47 PM low 0.1 ft. Good Late Morning Sunday! Like our sunrise report earlier, very small surf continues. It’s about shin to knee high with light WSW winds. The waves are pretty small! Bring your Tanker if you are going for a paddle. Have a great Sunday!
- Island Time!
Sunday 6:20 AM / RATING 2 of 10
Today’s Tides
4:52 AM high 4.4 ft. 11:03 AM low -0.1 ft. 5:29 PM high 5.1 ft. 11:47 PM low 0.1 ft. Good morning Sunday! Very small surf continues. It’s about ankle to shin high with light SW winds. The waves are pretty small! Bring your Tanker if you are going for a paddle. Check back for update and enjoy this beautiful day!