Report 3 – Sunday 12:00 PM – RATING 3 of 10
Today’s Tides
12:14 AM low -0.1 ft. 6:08 AM high 4.5 ft. 12:18 PM low -0.4 ft. 6:40 PM high 5.5 ft. Good Afternoon! Just like earlier today, we have very small surf in the shin to knee high range with light WNW winds. Note: The waves seem to be slightly larger than yesterday’s complete flatness. Bring your logs if you are checking it and Pray for Surf!
- Clean Mini Peelers!
- Lil Miss Sandy Lynn – Charging!
- She likes it!
- Roger is on it!
- Mini Dude is charging hard too!
- Mini Dude gets Shacked!
- Groms on it earlier this morning.
Sunday Quick Clip