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Thursday Morning Video Below
Report #1 – Thursday – 11:15 AM – RATING 3 of 10
Today’s Tides
4:56 AM high 5.1 ft. 11:23 AM low 0.0 ft. 5:14 PM high 4.0 ft. Good Late Morning! It seems like we have slightly larger waves as we near the Noon hour. No one is out but it looks like the waves are in the thigh to waist high range with moderate NNE winds. On a good note, it’s warming up! Have a groovy Thursday!
- Seahawk of the Day!
- Osprey Fingerprint
Report #1 – Thursday – 7:15 AM – RATING 3 of 10
Today’s Tides
4:56 AM high 5.1 ft. 11:23 AM low 0.0 ft. 5:14 PM high 4.0 ft. Good Morning! No one is out but it looks like we have choppy waves in the knee to thigh high range with moderate NNE winds. Bring the hoodie if you are going for it. It’s super cold this morning!
- 6:45 AM
- 7:17 AM
Hey Eddie,
Thank you for posting the Tuesday night photos. You made my month. I have been out of the water on and off for 2 years due to a back injury. When you told me I had good waves that night on the boardwalk and saw my photo, you made someone very happy. Thank you beyond words!
PC: That’s nice! Glad to see you recovering and surfing well!