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Our Jacksonville Beach Pier Cam is hosted by the Best Western Oceanfront and powered by Surfline
(For reservations call the Best Western Oceanfront at 904.249.4949)

Tuesday Morning Video Below
Report #1 – Tuesday – 6:40 AM RATING 3 of 10
Today’s Tides
5:51 AM high 4.6 ft. 12:09 PM low 0.2 ft. 6:18 PM high 4.7 ft. Good Morning Tuesday! As compared to yesterday, we have larger choppy waves this morning. No one is out but it looks to be in the waist high range with moderate ESE winds. We’ll have to see how the day unfolds – check back for updates!
- 6:40 AM
- Sunrise 6:44 AM
- Waist high +/- ?