Report 1 – Wednesday 6:30 AM – RATING 6 of 10
Today’s Tides
High 7:06am 5.6ft Low 1:18pm -0.3ft High 7:42pm 7ft WE’LL BE UPDATING THROUGHOUT THE DAY FOR THE HURRICANE CHRIS EVENT
Good Morning – Chris is now a Hurricane (thankfully moving away from us). Our swell continues! It’s in the waist to head high range with light NW winds. (Winds are forecast to become NE after noon). Surf is looking fun, get on it early if you can. Check back for more updates and peep the gallery from yesterday, link below.
- 6:10 AM
- 6:25 AM
Current Winds
In the Tropics!
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Camera Rewind 07-11-2018
Winter Storm Swell Satellite Beach