May we never lose our wonder…
As an aging surfer, I’ve frequently said to my surfing friends that I always want to be like a grom. I want to react to surfing like Kelly reacted, when he first saw his wave pool go off at Kelly Slater Wave Co (video below). I want to froth and continually be wide eyed and mystified with what has been created for me to play in. I want be just like a child, staring at the beauty of this created fluidity called surf and have a song in my soul that sings, “you are beautiful in all your ways and you fascinate me”…
This short article should remind all of us that no matter how old we are, the grom remains within…worry free, playful, absolutely absorbed and super stoked…
5 Lessons Groms Can Teach You About Life
Esther Marie, author/surfer
Their constant level of stoke, spastic attention span, reckless nature and addiction to Youtube surf videos are but a few of the many traits that set groms apart. Aside from their hilarious behavior, groms are something special; a rare breed, the minnows of the ocean that carry a weightless freedom while doing what they love.
Last week I had the pleasure of surfing with a few local groms that put surfing into new perspective for me. Getting up at the crack of dawn to surf before school is what I call true love and dedication–especially coming from a group of 11-year olds. Luckily, their parents are surfers themselves, so the request comes easy.
Catching waves with these kids taught me a few things about the kind of surfer I want to be. Two little shredders in particular, Hadynn and Luke, inspire me beyond surfing and make me want to be a better person. Here are a few lessons I learned:
1. Be worry free
Groms don’t worry about life or the future. They enjoy the moments and believe that their dreams are possible. They don’t stress about the things outside of their control, and they trust things will work out.
Disappointment is a guarantee in life, but groms deal with their letdowns by focusing on the positives. They may blow a little steam out of frustration at first, but they are quick to bounce back and get stoked about what’s next.

3. Be fearless and willing to charge
Groms love taking risks and are willing to charge big waves without hesitation. They are confident that even if they get hurt they will be ok.
4. Love unconditionally not based on performance or perfection
Kids in general are pretty great at loving unconditionally. But groms take this a length further to encourage and embrace everyone, not just the best and most talented. You don’t have to be Kelly Slater for a grom to think you’re awesome.
5. Sacrifice and prioritize to get what you want
Waking up at 6am is not easy for most kids, but groms know that it’s worth sacrificing temporary comfort to gain the reward of waves and loads of fun later. Even if that means going to bed early!
This simplistic outlook reminds us to not get swallowed up by life’s challenges and recalibrate our priorities. It’s easy to get caught up in a routine of living and not take time to focus on the important things. So take a lesson from a grom, enjoy your surf, don’t worry about life and make good choices–you’ll be a better surfer and a better person because of it.